Publishing & Layout Projects

The IALHA (International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse Association) 2022 Handbook is a 100+ page membership directory featuring both a listing of all IALHA members, but also year-end National Show results, year-end Working Equitation show results, the 2022 Calendar of IALHA Events, Patrons pages, USDF year-end results, a ranch/farm brand direcory, BOD Listing, and advertising from both IALHA members and non-members. 88 Dragon Design Studio has been contracted to both sell advertising, and design and publish this directory for the 2022 Handbook. Please click here for additional information. The actual Handbook will not be published on this page until the end of the 2021 calendar year, however media information can be found, now, on the link here.

PENNSYLVANIA GRANGE NEWS is the bi-monthly magazine of the Pennsylvania State Grange. 88 Dragon was contracted by the Pennsylvania State Grange organization late in 2016, and began publishing the PGN with the January/February Issue of 2017. We published this bi-monthly magazine through 2020. This magazine was a non-profit.

The KEYSTONE REVIEW is the bi-monthly support magazine for the KEYSTONE CHALLENGE; a yearly survival competition held in the state of Pennsylvania. The KEYSTONE REVIEW is owned, published, and edited by 88 Dragon Design Studio and Heather Hiller. The bulk of the graphics and photography contained within the KEYSTONE REVIEW are from 88 Dragon Design Stuio and Heather Hiller, and are the exclusive property of 88 Dragon Design Studio and Heather Hiller. The KEYSTONE REVIEW may not be edited of copied in any form, without written consent of Heather Hiller.

88 Dragon Design Studio is proud to have created a wide range of brochures, short-run publications, calendars, directories, and multiple-page magazine spreads for a group of very exciting and unique clients over the 25 years we've been in business. Gradually we will be adding a vast majority of our portfolio to this "Layouts" page, as we believe that helps future clients fine-tune their design ideas.

Over the years I have amassed an extensive collection of articles published (under the names Heather Orton, Heather Seville and Heather Hiller) on a wide variety of subjects and in an even more eclectic collection of publications.In addition to being a published subject-matter-specific author, many of my photographs have been featured in magazines around the world.

In 2005, right after I moved to Pennsylvania, I was honored when the Eastern Regional Andalusian Horse Club asked me if I could assist them with their year-end regional horse show by publishing the show program. Of course I agreed... and was able to produce a 40 + cover show program with the color cover signature and an 8-page color signature centerfold for their show. I'm sorry about the low quality of the pdf I've uploaded for you to browse... the file was originally created in a software program I no longer use and I had to scan page by page and convert into a pdf for upload to my site. We no longer use Quark for our publishing projects... prefering the dependability of Adobe InDesign. Trim size is: 8.25" x 10.5"

In 2007, the Pennsylvania State Grange asked me to create a booklet for their 135th Annual State Session. The finished publication size was 16-page plus cover. Trim size is: 5.25" x 8.25"